A Conversation for Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Writing Workshop: A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 1

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Entry: Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World - A1130824
Author: Blues Shark - I know a girl that lives on the hill... - U154264

Hey, part 5 of my project on the blues. Have at it guys.

A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 2


Seems good to me smiley - ok I don't know anything about the topic, but the content seems to be EG standard. The only very pedantic comment I've made is that it isn't quite the house style to have the opening quotes in bold.

I feel petty even as I type it though.

A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 3


I actually know a little bit about this subject, and it looks good to me too smiley - smiley I look forward to seeing your project on the Front Page smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 4

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Thanks folks, nice to hear I seem to be on the right track.smiley - ok

If you are interested there's another four parts round here someplace...smiley - winkeye

Point taken about the housestyle as well - I will be discussing such things with Njan, the lucky guy who's subbing the project.smiley - ok

smiley - shark

A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 5

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Okay, here's another one:

"Both artists had been rediscovered by what had become known as ‘The Blues Mafia’, a group of young white academics and musicians who had set about finding their black heroes, and without doubt House and James represented their biggest success."

Successes, surely- House and James aren't a single enity, so they can't be one success...

"(who would go on to form seminal blues rock band Canned Heat)"

"the seminal blues rock band"?

"James was simply unlike any other blues musician of his generation, although is recorded sessions of 1931 had been a clear influence on Robert Johnson."

"although his recorded sessions".

"This was perhaps unfair. House went on to record a session in 1965 that showed his voice to be in remarkable form."

"this was perhaps unfair, House went on" would read better, I think.

"His guitar playing had never been of the best in any event, and if it had lost some of it’s precision, it had lost none of its power."

"its precision"- no apostrophe in a possessive 'its' smiley - winkeye

"James also went onto record two albums for Vanguard"

"on to", in this context I think.

"Waters continued to play his electric delta boogie through out his career"


"... culled from a decades worth of performances, all of the solidly electric,"

"all of them".

"But it’s very nature, dependant as it was on elderly stars, it could not last."

"By its very nature, dependant as it was on elderly stars, it could not last".

No apostrophe again, plus starting a sentence with a preposition.

"Son House recorded one albums worth of material in 1965,"


Footnote three is a bit on the long side- any chance of working it into the text?

smiley - ale

A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 6

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Bored at work today are we? smiley - winkeye

Thanks for all these, I'll maybe do em while I'm munching me sarnie.smiley - ok If not it'll keep til this evening.

I'm hoping to get the last patrt up by Sunday then all of them will come out of WW next Friday to be handed over to Njan.

smiley - shark

Writing Workshop: A1130824 - Newport and All That Jazz: How the Blues Came to the World

Post 7


... do mean ZZTop at the end? smiley - ok

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