How You Can Help Save the Albatross

3 Conversations

John Ridgway Save the Albatross Voyage 2003-4

AIM: TO PREVENT THE NEEDLESS SLAUGHTER OF THE ALBATROSSA pair of Wandering Albatrosses displaying during a courtship ritual at a study site on Bird Island, South Georgia.

To initiate further actions to prevent their needless slaughter, the Ridgways and crew are following the path of the albatross around the world...

What are you doing to support this cause and what can others do?

"Whilst my crew and I get our communications systems set up on the boat, hit the discussion button with your first thoughts - you will probably find it helpful to see what others are doing first. As the journey progresses join me in changing these discussions into action plans."

Into the mist...

John Ridgway

Departing Ardmore

26 July 2003

Start Now By Signing The Petition!

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