Dance dance revolution
Created | Updated Oct 19, 2012

Dance dance revolution is a series of arcade games (I believe there are 7 of them now) where the entire point is to get jiggy with it, so to speak. You stand on a dance floor type thing that has 4 arrows, like a game controller. On the screen, arrows scroll up from the bottom of the screen to the top, where there are 4 stationary arrows. When the scrolling arrow and the stationary arrow match, you step on the arrow on the floor (so, if a right arrow scrolls from the bottom, then when it meets the stationary right arrow, you step on the right arrow.) this is all set to music. The series of steps tend to represent dance moves. The levels can go from easy to maybe needing 2 or 3 extra legs to keep up. You get scored on how close the arrows are. If they exactly match, it’s perfect, otherwise it’s either good or average. If you step on the wrong arrow or don’t step on an arrow when one scrolls by, you “Miss” and if you get too many misses it ends your game. At the end of the song, you get a score, and show the world what a good/bad dancer you are. If this sounds good, but you’d like to keep people from knowing what a klutz you are, they also have versions for the Sony Playstation and there is one online at that uses your keyboard. However, much of the attention is on the arcade version, which tends to draw large crowds and good dancers tend to get their 15 minutes. They are also great for exercise, and can be fun if your coordinated. if not.... well, lets not go there.