A Conversation for 'Countdown' - the TV Programme
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Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Started conversation Oct 22, 2003
Viewers have, over the years, been sending in poems and ditties for Richard to read out (which he always does at the beginning of the programme). They always refer to him and Carol, and they generally contain the same sorts of excruciating puns that Richard is so well known for.
My Dad's done this twice - I think both items have actually been read out, though I can't claim to have seen them because I never got back from the gym in time to see the beginning of the programmes concerned(this was when the show was going out at the later time).
One of the producers actually e-mailed my Dad in response to one of his efforts (actually quite good, believe it or not!) to suggest he got out more. He was joking, though. At least, we think he was.
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