Mom! It's .303, not 7.7! I'm using the Vickers, not the Madsen!

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Ours was an odd existence...

No one but the government knew what to make of us.

and we discouraged them at every turn.

My ancestors were in and on this land, and doing everything they could to it and on it and in it even before the word ancestors was invented!

Before these poxie laws and agencies!

My great-greats used to sneak into Roman sentry camps at Hadrian's wall and piss in their helmets!

So, after two thousand years of clinging to a bit of mossy rock and scabrous dirt,
do you think we are going to let the ******y ****s *** us out of it!

You're damn right we will!

Haven't made a shilling out of this patch of damp since they made us stop raiding Boy Scouts for their pocket money when they crossed the fence...

They say little Irv, who has some syndrome imported from Germany back in the forties that some NHS doctor didn't read the paperwork on until the 80s, needs proper care and that can only be done by female nurses and female teachers in skirts and clean nylons!

Good for him.

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