The War Room

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As the blast door opens on the Elevator, you see a vast room opened before you. You are on the far side of a massive circular room lit only by blinking indicator lights, view screens, wall moniters, holo-projecters, and little floor lights that guide the paths through the mazelike assembledge of raised platforms, computer stations, battle planning tables, and comunication relay stations

TV cameras featuring big, boggly eyes.

The room slopes subtly upwards to the center, a dais on which the Director, the Joint Chiefs, and the ruler of Terrania often converse and discus matters of stratagy, state, war, espionage, and the finer points of poker. Surounding it are all manner of computers manned by slicer droids, humans, and aliens. Holograms of Terrania, battlefields, other countries, and locations or buildings either within or outside of Terrania hang over the heads of the workers in little computer circles whithin the main cone of stations.

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