The Office of the Director of Terranic Intel

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The Director at his desk, in somewhat less than his ussual uniform

As the blast door opens on the Elevator, you see a dimly lit room. The floor is covered in a rich maroon carpet so thich that if you fell on it, it wouldn't hurt at all. The walls are covered in mohagony panaling, tapestries, and portraits of previous Directors of Intel and the present and past rulers of Terrania. The ceiling is white, with about 5 large and rather intricate chandaliers, currently set on dim

There are a few book cases here and there, afew filing cabinets. Between the door and the Director's desk are two large black leather couches. Between the two couches is the seal of the Terrania, and underneath it is a holo-projector that is controled from the desk

The desk of the Director is also mohagony, with an inset computer terminal and a small, concealed gun cabinet inside it. The chair of the director is also leather, about 1 meter tall, 2 meters wide and a meter and half long (one could comfortably sleep on it).

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