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Chat, bureaucracy and quarrel.

For there active hours humans have the most peculiar accupations.
They chat from wakening on there way to what they see as a fight to survive --< WORK >-- (put behind bars as even the word is considered to be dangerous). Maybe it is just a ritual noninforming other humans of their own whereabouts. The conversations are day after day, more or less repetitions. Perhaps the pitch contains the most of the information. Tender or sad, hasty or lame.
I took an experiment the other day. I used a voice recorder to store the output one day and replayed it the next. Unnoticed by most of them, just one stared at me "what on earth are you doing?" she asked. (we married) This experiment showed the non information of the chat self.
Chatter is merely a carrier wave. Not the wave itself is the information. It contains the information in speed. And the selection of phrases for this event.

Oh yes, going to work. By private or public transportation the human population act as a race to get there first. Even though they do not travel to the same destination, they want to be there first.
The private transportation is the best quirrel I have ever seen. Crossings in the center of a city are realy fascinating views. Those rounded yellow cabs on one side of the game and the many-coloured shiny cars behind the other front. As if they know where to go, some circle a crossing many times. Just honk that to show they are there as nowone pays attention to it anyway. Somebody should make some rules for this game.
The public transportation is a good example for one of the other human talents. It is mainly managed by the gouvernment. As with most other perfectly managed systems (Goedel A256439) there are some problems with the consistentcy (dictionary). Mr Goedel said any sufficiently complete system should have its cracks. The public transport is a perfect example of how things not work by regulating everything.

--< WORK >-- has been reached. Humans see it as their jobs to become the president of their local news stand. That should be: the Vice President of the iternational news paper. The competition extends to other businesses. The international news paper should be the global news.
And Fortuna comes by again here in the shape of the bureaucracy. As long as you stay indoors nobody notices or even cares. Though as soon as you reach street borders the piles of forms start rising. (are there Log and Powers on Tangent?) The stacks grow bigger then your own export as your company grows over the planet. And of course most of the forms are to be submitted before the permit is given. While the information can not be achieved until after that event.

The other hours are filled with chatter and perhaps some relaxation.

In any scale there is more or less the same behaviour pattern. Wether it is about individuals, family/work, city/multinational or country/global. Companies chat in negotiating bussines deals, cities in being a city and countries in possesion. On each step you see the scale of bureaucracy rising. The one applies a rule, the other finds a way to ignore it. This way forcing Goedel to interact, "this is no Picknick".

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