The Matrix Upgraded... Mathayus: Soft Landing

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USA, 1997

You appear standing in a white room wearing a black leather jacket, fingerless black gloves, black trousers and sunglasses (quite different to what you were wearing in Zion) when buildings suddenly come at you from all directions and appear to grow out of the ground. You're in a back alleyway when a phone booth drops down next to you. It rings. You answer the call:

MathayusI'm in...

HACK: Okay boss, you're gonna have to make this quick. Since you've hidden your location it's gonna be near impossible for me to keep track of you, so when you want out you're gonna have to come back to this phone...

Got it...

You see a black motorcycle parked up against a wall...

Hack have you got a program back there for a [reads] 1989... Harley Davidson..?
Hmm... good model...

Got it right here... [inserts disc into computer] There, now you'll be able to ride like a bat outta Hell!...

MathayusGood. I'll be heading up to see Her now. Hope I come back with some good news, Hack...

Sure thing, boss-- wait, Her?! You mean you're going to see-- Hello? Hello? Boss?

--You put the phone back onto its hook...

You start up the bike and head for the Oracle... luckily you move out safely to reach... here...

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