Janitors on strike, indefinitely

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Put down your mops and pick up your signs!

We're mad as hell and we're not going to clean the loos anymore!

My daughter and I went to see a movie a month ago. It was the second of the Underworld series, Devolution... or something like that. Anyway, it seems that the scriptwriters had been paying a bit of attention. Part of the plot SPOILER! involves a character whose family was responsible for the building of a prison for a creature who really doesn't need to be wandering around with out a leash and a breath mint.
When the prison was finished, all the builders were immediately deceased. This is pretty much historical in many ways, as it supposedly happened to a few artisans in the past, at least according to persistent rumour, which history is most often was.

Now, if you are going to build something that's supposed to last a few thousand years, with everything ready to go and and the defenses sitting on a hair trigger just in case unininvited visitors happen by, why not have a small sense of decency and try to keep the place looking a tiny bit clean?

I mean, someone had to clean up all the stone chips and wood shavings and empty the Porta-Pottys whilst the great and wonderful structure and intricate mechanisms were being assembled, right?

Why, in the midst of all the detritus of history and mythology, couldn't there be a Guild of Holy Janitors, whose job it is to keep all the cute and shiny toys clean until some idiot comes along to get mutilated or squashed and justify the whole expense and effort of building the stupid things in the first place?

I understand the security element, that anyone who would choose to hang around such a place might be noticed visiting the local pub on their night off or possibly get so bored and drunk that they might tell their tale to a winsome barwench... Yet, if you have a truly dedicated and ascetic sort, kind of an immortal monk who has a strong sense of duty, then you wouldn't have that problem. Or if you had a corps of cleaning harpies who lived off those who got too close and really like reading old copies of Town and Country...

We know for a fact that many real monuments had to have a heirarchy of workers, from artisans down to the honeywagon folks.
Why can't modern pseudo-mythology incorporate such folks?
Why does everything have to be buried or hidden or lost and covered in sand, dirt or ivy?

Of course, if the old PTB had had that kind of folks hanging around, then they wouldn't need the mechanisms in the first place, would they?

And since your average hero can plow through a pile of well-armed and well-practiced antique immortals, you have to have an architectural oddity to trap him in and funnel him/her to their destinies... Which, for some stupid reason, involves the truly evil ancient being deadified before the final chapter ends...

Which makes the powers and the prescient and prophetic abilities of these anti-heroes pretty close to useless. So why didn't they just off themselves in the first place, since their wished-for future will never take place?

Because, in some alternate futures (apparently you don't get to choose which one you travel into) the League of Holy Janitors doesn't fall down on the job or die from an unsanitized Shofar, and the toilets get cleaned and the hero never gets born...

Or something like that.

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