A Conversation for E coli - Friend or Foe?


Post 1


In the section "Genetic Engineering", what is meant by the word purified when referring to plasmids? Is it purified once removed from the bacterium cell and away from the chromosome? Please help!


Post 2


You got it!


Post 3


Thanks for that. smiley - biggrin Would you(or anyone else for that matter) happen to know any more about the transition from E.coli to human-worthy insulin? I'm doing a report on artificial insulin and need as much info as possible. Thank-you!


Post 4


Read up about "cloning" genes in E. coli. Imsulin was (one of) the first genes to be cloned. Figure out what cloning a gene involves and then look at the US company Genentech.

Have fun. smiley - ok

Stesmiley - mod

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