The Unwanted Opportunity: A choice or a demand?

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Gender Politics and the Stay-At-Home Parent: the wolf at the door is doing a lot of thinking for you.

The world is in a constant state of flux, we are often told.

If you look up the word flux, you might find a definition that makes you wish you hadn't found it.

Anyway, this afternoon, we have the eminent and preeminent purveyor of thought on the matter of thought on the matter of whether thought actually matters to those who truly matter in the minds of those who truly think
with us, Mrs. Ernesette I. Lee.
Good evening, Mrs. Lee.


If you don't mind, I'll just get to it.

Everything is a crisis, according to the magazine publishers and the preachers and politicians, the environmentalists and the children's advocates and the people who think Gaia is gonna wipe us all out with the perfect plague some day.

They all could be right.

But how many of them are diapering babys?

Despite any philosophical truths that might seem to arise from contemplating the results of the lives of Thomas Edison, Heath Robinson and Billy Bob Gates, the real reason humans exist is the same reason cockroaches exist, to perpetuate the species.

You don't see cockroaches carrying around briefcases or driving vans full of stuff or gathering in certain places to tell other cockroaches what to do, do you?

There is an old joke called Creationism.

It promulgates the punch line of a 6,000 year old Earth.

Despite all the cute bees in their bonnet, there is a wasp hiding in there and it's going to sting them and their bees one day.

That wasp is called innovation, invention, 'progress' if you will.

If the earth is six thousand years old, then why did God allow invention?

Everything should be just as it was. Everybody should be either worshipping or ignoring God and getting punished or rewarded accordingly. The planet should not be threatened by global warming or nuclear winter.

Yet, there is innovation and progression. Even in the thoughts about God. There is a leap of faith between the Old and New Testaments. It is not the same God. Nor is it the same people talking about him.

The world does not stand still.

People do change.

Except when they don't.

Children get born just as they have since the first true mammal went into labor.

This hasn't changed in human history.

Children get born.

Children get raised.

Normally by someone or something of their own species.

But people keep clinging to two thousand year old and older precepts about soemthing they know nothing about!

More tattered verbiage and logic has been thrown around in the history of mankind about the nature and nuture and education of children than practically any subject besides just how well regarded prostitutes should be by the elite, who do have to keep up appearances, ya know, and a true lady shouldn't be expected to lie back and think of England except for the possible production of an heir...

Child raising is an art, practiced by individuals with individual children.

You can't treat every parent and every child in the same way. They'd all go mad! If they already aren't.

If the child is not being visibly or audibly harmed, then it is nobody's business who raises a child or how.

Every dingdong who has the physical equipment to pump out a unit is allowed to believe that because they are not a Downs Syndrome then they have the right and the ability to usher a child into the world of thought and behavior.

Well, we all know this isn't true.

There are many people who have given birth or donated sperm who are not qualified to deal with a flooded carburretor, let alone a sick kitten.

There are many people who do not give birth or donate sperm who have no business having any opinion about anything regarding reproduction.
If God wants to have something to do with reproduction, then let him practice it more often than every six or two thousand years. Otherwise, it's none of his business nor any of his franchisees.

So all of you nosy gophers who have nothing better to do than to ask a forty-plus woman if the baby she is nursing in the pub is her grandchild can just kiss my vaporizer!

If it was any of your business, I would have told you!

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