Kath and Kim

3 Conversations

The Suburban Nightmares living the Suburban Dream

The Australian comedy series Kath and Kim centralises on Kath Day, a retired empty-nester, and her daughter, Kimberley Craig. Having experienced marriage problems, Kim returns home at the beginning of the series and begins to complicate the life of her mother, who has begun to date Kel Knight, a 'purveyor of fine meats'. The first season's plot was based around the engagement of Kath to Kel, and preparations for their dream wedding. The series is set in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

Created by Jane Turner and Gina Riley, two veterans of Australian comedy, Kath and Kim first appeared in the sketch show Big Girl's Blouse, also starring Magda Szubanski, star of such internationally renowned films as Babe and its sequel, Babe 2: Pig in the City.
The first season, containing eight half-hour episodes, began and concluded in 2002, and another season is expected for 2003.

The Characters

Kathleen Darleen Day-Knight (Jane Turner)

A forty-something (formerly) single mother who likes to keep herself trim with a 'bit of huffy-puffy' every now and then. She is very pleased with her life, ditto herself, and has trouble getting her stubborn daughter Kim to do what she wants. Played by Jane Turner, Kath got married to her fiancee, Kel Knight, in the last episode of Season 1, and ended up in traction with a plate in her head and one leg shorter than the other as a result of her disastrous fairy-tale wedding.

Kimberley Craig, nee Day (Gina Riley)

Kath's twenty-something daughter, stubborn, 'the size of a house and a pain in the proverbial.' She loves her food, especially Dippity-Bix, Fat-free Frouches and Tiny Teddies, which she considers diet food because of their size. She has an estranged husband, Brett, and loves to watch reruns of the Weakest Link and go shopping. Gina Riley, who also sings the theme song, plays Kim, who works in a call centre. She has considered a myriad of diets, including the Ozone Diet, in which you eat nothing but air for two weeks and then red meat for two weeks and Celine Cuisine, based on the exact diet of Celine Dion, but eventually decided to lose weight the old-fashioned way: laxatives and smokes.

Sharon Strezlecki (Magda Szubanski)

The second-best friend of Kim and an avid sports fan. Played by Magda Szubanski, Sharon is a hypochondriac and enters each episode with a different injury. She is currently dating a fiddler in a bush band, and is allergic to cream and the antibiotics used to treat her allergies. Sharon's 'one of those people who you make you feel better just by being around . . . by comparison.'

Kel Knight (Glenn Robbins)

The husband of Kath, and a purveyor of fine meats. He believes he is fit and virile, has been left at the altar four times, never goes anywhere without his man-bag, and loves Barbara Streisand music. Played by Glenn Robbins.

Brett Dean Craig (Peter Rowsthorn)

Kim's husband, played by Peter Rowsthorn. He is totally devoted to Kim despite the fact that she often plays the 'ice maiden' with him. Kath thinks he is the bee's knees. Brett loves it when Kim's a bitch to him and so does she.



Kim is disgusted that Kath and Kel are going at it like rabbits and enlists Sharon's help to stalk her estranged husband Brett.


Brett's relationship with his Rottweiler has Kim's nose out of joint and Kath is concerned that there may be a dark secret at the heart of Brett and Kim's separation . . .


Kath's fiance Kel designs a commemorative sausage to celebrate the big day, and Kim volunteers to play on her second best friend Sharon's netball team.


Chaso reigns when it's discovered that Kim has stacked on the weight and doesn't fit into her bridesmaid's dress, while Sharon considers marriage counselling as a career.


Kath is worried that Kel is losing interest and decides to move on without him, meanwhile Kim is treating Brett mean to keep him keen, and it's working!


To earn money for the ritziest fairy-tale wedding ever, Kath organises a lingerie party with Kim and Sharon modelling the merchandise and serving hot suggestions.


Kath's wedding is days away and Kim organises a top hen's night. With a stick on bra, fake tan and a one-sleeved top, Kath is ready to party.

The Wedding.

The day of the ritziest fairy-tale wedding has arrived. With punch served from the garbage bin and a tarp over the clothesline the guests arrive at 4.45 pm for a 4.46 pm start.

Memorable Language

Kath and Kim has left us with some very memorable quotes, including the famous 'Look at moi, Kimmy, look at moi, ploise . . .'

Other renowned sayings are:

'I have issues at the moment, please.'

pron. 'Oi have iss-ewes at the moment, ploise.'

'I want it done toute suite please.'

pron. 'Oi want it done toot-sweet ploise.'

'That's nice, that's different, that's unusual.'

pron. 'That's noice, that's different, that's un-ewes-ewe-al.'

And, of course, the simple, yet elegant, 'Hi.'

pron. 'Hoi.'

Then there's the all-time classic:

KIM: 'I wanna be effluent, mum, effluent!'

KATH: 'You are effluent, Kim!'


Brazzu: Money

Connubials: Making a relationship a mere formality

Decolletage: A TAFE course

Decoupage: A very low neckline

Foxymoron: Rachel Hunter

Hinkling: A feeling in your waters

Hornbag: Rachel Hunter (and Kim, in her own opinion)

Huffy-puffy: Cardio

Pacifically: Specifically

Pump: Weight bearing

Welcome mat: An unsightly patch of hair just there

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