The Ilmarë

8 Conversations

The Ilmarë

The Ilmarë gets its name from Ilmarë, chief of the Maiar maids, "who throws her spears of light from the night sky."
She is also handmaid to Varda, the Star Queen, who rules the heavens. (Interesting, ne?)

The Ilmarë (the ship) is a Z-class ship (Meaning that it's f***-all big, and has a very large weapons capacity.)
with four different areas, all accessible by use of the internal trolley.
Which, coincidentaly, is also an accesible area. So very technically there are five accesible areas. So I lied, so sue me.

The Park

It's a Park.
People hang out there. We have simulated fireflies. It's nice.

We also have pigeons.

The Dock

All your ship-docking needs are (or at least should be) met here with utmost efficiency and... stuff. And there's
an old mechanic dude as well. Named Albert, I think. I'm not sure really, I just know he's a bloody-minded
grumpy old b******, but he can fix almost anything.

There's Albert now! fixing the coppier. What a dear old b*****rd... I mean man.

The Residental Area

We have three rooms. They each come with different coloured carpet, namely Red, Green and Blue, all are currently availible. But there are only three. Get there fast and claim yours now.

 Oh, and now it's two, 'cause this green one here is mine.

The Hangar

For things that you put in hangars, like mobile suits and A.G.W.S suits and the like, I have a hot tub in mine right now.

This was the old hangar until that jerk from Half-Life went and blew it up. The repairs took about three days. Stupid video game characters... No respect.

The Bridge

More or less full of little blue-haired 100-series mimetic observational realians and not really worth your time to see. But you might want to go up there anyway, just to sort of, you know, get a feel for the place...

The Ilmarë has an incredibly advanced and extremely complicated shield system involving the use of replicated Zohar units. (I don't know how they work, but they do, so I don't tend to ask questions.) The weapons system is quite advanced too, what with the little blue needle laser thingies bursting out and
about everybloodywhere (as I said, It works, and I don't ask questions.).

...Oh, before I forget, there is also a robot with a Genuine People Personality onboard.
His name is Marvin and he is generally depressing.
So avoid him at all costs, and whatever you do, don't try to cheer him up. Cause you can't.

.' hurts trying to think down to your level...'

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