Prof. Mystruner's Defence Against the Dark Arts Room

2 Conversations


The room itself is a large, rectangular room, with a good sized wooden stage dominating the front. The walls are lined with various weapons, books1, mounted stuffed animals, and portraits of famous wizards and witches.

Off to one side, a glass cupboard contains several eerily glowing swords, over the top of which glowing letters form the words, 'Cursed, Do Not Touch!'. Next to that, several dangerous books of magic rustle, and occasionally tear at the chains that bind them to the shelves.

The middle of the room is dominated by arcs of desks, arranged in a semi-circle, within which demonstrations can and have been given, judging by the scortch marks inside.

Class Requirements

  • First Year - Write an entry on any form of famous evil magician/wizard/God2. Include a brief history, and last known whereabouts.
  • Second Year - Write an entry on a specific monster. Include regular haunts, and ways of elimination.
  • Third Year - Write an entry review of a book involving at least one of the topics of a previous paper. Include plot and characters.
  • Fourth Year - Submit and edit your first year entry.
  • Fifth Year - Submit and edit your second year entry.
  • Sixth Year - Submit and edit your third entry.
1On topics ranging from Varis The Mad's "Encyclopedia Necronica" to Ahmed the 'I Just Get These Headaches' "Interview and Hastily Declined Dinner With a Vampire"2Fiction or Non, Mythos too

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