The Hogwarts Dueling chamber

2 Conversations

From the left hallway, is the Hogwart's Dueling Chamber, which is a vast room with five long raised platforms onwhich two wizard's can duel. The floors are stone and the walls wooden. Above the dueling platforms wave the banners of the four houses of Hogwarts and dwarfing all others is the flag of Hogwarts. The back wall is covered in three glass and brass trophy cases. They belong to the three founders of the dueling club; Mystrunner, Craxus, and Tal Rasha/HDS.

The other three walls bear intricate tapestries that depict different styles of dueling as well as different spells used when dueling. Dueling instructers often make use of these tapestries to help get their points across.

In wizard dueling tournaments the middle platform bears the current champion and his opponent; the inner right platform decides who will stand before the champion on the middle; then the outer right decides who goes to the inner right; the outer left, who goes to the outer right; and the inner left, who goes to the outer left. A simple round robin tournement.

Tal Rasha's Dueling lessons from Tal Rasha can be had here or you can try your hand at Dueling without lessons.

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