The Tea Boy Wars

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A Work In Progress...

On the 29th August 2002 the Terranic army was founded by General Terran.

On "The Tea Boy Wars": -

Well we got rid of the Thundercats eventually, so we like to claim victory - but they kept claiming victory as well, so I guess it was a kind of a draw.

You see me, Spook, Rimmer and Shoal Prexy (who seems to be popping up again now), were all in the barrack one Saturday when Owlatron (the leader of the Thundercats) decided he was going to be rude and suggested that I be his tea boy!

Well I couldn't stand for that, but he then decided to invade and so his number 2 (Luke Skywalker - don't ask me why he called himself that) came in as well (I think some others followed after too). So for a while we fought against them, bu they just wouldn't leave. Eventually we managed to capture Luke, and told Owlatron (who kept claiming to have the abilities of a bat) we'd let him go if they left. So they did - briefly. When they came back they put "BOOM!" on all of the Terranic Army conversations and on all of mine as well. It took ages to get through the back log.

But as it turned out Luke and Owlatron got in alot of trouble for it with the itallics, and there was a bit of a trial, where it was found out that Luke Skywalker had also been in trouble for a lot of other things as well, and both of them were suspended until the itallics could find out what was going on. As it happened I ended up speaking up for Owlatron (who strangely enough turned out to be alright, if only a bit mad), and explained that it was all reasonably good natured fun. Both got off with it, but Luke Skywalker was given a warning that if he ever did anything like it again he would be in massive trouble.

After that spook set up the World War Battle field, where we started fighting first in the First World war against the Thundercats, and then we moved on to the Ultimate All Armies War thread.

And there you have it. The Terranic Army history in a nutshell...

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