October 2024 Create Challenge: The Goblins Will Get You

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October 2024 Create Challenge: The Goblins Will Get You

A gravestone and old trees.
An' little Orphant Annie says when the blaze is blue,

An' the lamp-wick sputters, an' the wind goes woo-oo!

An' you hear the crickets quit, an' the moon is gray,

An' the lightnin'-bugs in dew is all squenched away. . .

– James Whitcomb Riley

Little Orphan Annie had a message for the comfortably bourgeois: be kind to those who need it, or the things out there will know about it. There will be a reckoning. James Whitcomb Riley is an underrated poet these days.

What about you? Does the coming of the spooky month bring you thoughts of unease? Or do you love a good frisson with your storytelling? What have you got for us?

  • A really, honest-for-true, unbelievable-but-it-did-happen-to-my-best-friend's-first-cousin, hair-raising paranormal experience? Tell, tell! We can spend hours arguing about it.
  • A spine-tingling, atmospheric, white-knuckle narrative of your own that you will freely admit is totally made up? Bring it on! Who knows: you may be h2g2's answer to Stephen King.
  • A historical discovery that counts as very spooky, or paranormal justice? We want to know about it!

And may your jack-o-lanterns shine bright this season.

Create Challenge Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

30.09.24 Front Page

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