Welcome to Air Canada

Would you like champagne, orange juice or water as you board?
Please, settle into your seat and make sure that your seat backs and tray tables are in the fully upright position.

We will be cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet and your entertainment for the flight will be pilot Loud's favorite entertainment:

* 6 channels of all East Coast Canadian Music - 1 channel exclusively Great Big Sea, Kilt and the Punters

* The Royal Canadian Air Farce & This Hour has 22 Minutes
* The Nature of Things
* CPAC (for those who wish to nap, this is the perfect somoriphic)

We will be travelling internationally and taking the maple leaf with us around the world. Have fun and hold on for the bumpy ride.
Please be gentle on the stews as business class Air Canada stews are either the best or the worst in the world :-)

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YAY for GBS! Dec 17, 1999


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Researcher U75675


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