Smartmuffet's Tail...

Hello, all of you out there.

Why the heading? Well, I have two cats, named Marmite and Muffet, but someone had already nabbed Muffet as a name. I didn't even name my two, as they arrived from the rescue home with titles attached, but, of course, when we talk we address each other in many different ways.

I gather feline companionship is common here, so that's all right.

It's not easy to produce something suggesting you are easy to talk to, is it? But I'd like to think so, and that I am interested in pretty much everyone and most topics, football excluded. Not everyone may have a novel in them, but all of us have a story, and all of those are fascinating. The human race seems more bizarre to me each year - some sort of terrible cosmic error, because we do such dreadful things to each other, willy-nilly, it appears.

So, if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I'd not mind being a cat - but, of course, living in a house with doting humans who obeyed my every wish and howl. And if there isn't, then that doesn't seem so bad, either.

Any stories out there? Am very willing and eager to hear them.

Smartmuffet (and sneakier Marmite..)

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