That would be me...

... sitting in front of this keyboard, typing frantically and staring off into space.

My name is James Freedman, born 15th July 1986 at Portland Hospital, London, died 26th October 2010 at at approximately ten past two in the morning. I live in London and go to school in Winchester. By the way, the M3 is a really cool motorway. You should try it some day, seriously.

Hobbies involve:


I've been programming for nearly 10 years now, and maybe if I took it seriously I might have actually got somewhere. I've sampled QBasic, Visual Basic (including for Applications), ASP, PHP, C++ (and briefly .NET), and so on. I've modded for Half-Life, Unreal Tournament and Max Payne.

Royal Marines Cadets

When I joined the CCF a couple of years ago I went in thinking "Well I'll give it a try, but I'm not expecting too much". It fast turned from a trail to a hobby, then from a hobby to an obsession.

Parachute Jumping

Technically a civilian activity, there's nothing like the thrill of thinking "Oh crap I'm going to die" for the four seconds it takes your parachute to open. OK, so I've only done it once, but as soon as I get my driving licence I'll be doing it a lot more...


This comes a close second to parachute jumping, but I will admit it is ever so slightly more useful. I'm currently about 10 hours into a 48-hour Helicopter PPL (Private Pilot's Licence) course, and hope to make a career out of it in the Royal Navy.

Anyway, so that's me... more in next week's episode. I need to get a good night's sleep, I'm going to RAF Cranwell tomorrow for some aptly-named 'aptitude tests'. Share and enjoy.

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