I am me, and I am not Bob, because if I were then who would be me?

Humanity. Quite a concept, but like the finest software proposal made by an ignorant and pre-maturely over-budgeted administration -- guaranteed to land itself in a miserable pile of half-dreams and smoldering troubleshooting aids. I like to think I managed to be something other than human, but then I realize its nothing more than a deranged illusion, the fundamentals of a shattered sanity and a meaningless life of pure nonsense. I like that, very much. And I don't even have to stock up on watermelons to get it accomplished! 1 At any rate, I am hopeful to discover something new about this universe and others in conversing with my fellow researchers, and hoping that at some point I might even contribute something of interest. Then at last my ego shall receive some sort of gratification, as I look out upon my worshippers bowing and praising all about me... but enough of that, get into the kitchen, your tea is boiling over, can't you hear it? Silly pathetic fragile Earth men...


2 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 8 == 42/3;
I happen to like 3. Its a very clean number.

1My apologies to Gallagher, I understand that we each have our own special unique way of getting to that special place in our head2.2I should say 'heads', rather than 'head' as that would after all imply that I and Gallagher -- and perhaps a myriad other folk -- share a singular mind and consciousness.. or at least a head. And that is simply not so, as it would make it very difficult to get through life -- or through doorways in the latter case.

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Erincelt (or NotBob, whichever is easier)

Researcher U204118

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