...and this is ME!!

My name is Wolfie - it's a long story but suffice to say it involves Tooting and lots of beer - and I live in Eastbourne, UK (home of little old ladies and Toploader and not a lot else). I'm single and 34 (is there a connection?) and work in the retail health field.

I was first introduced to Hitch Hikers back in the day by a friend at school who said I really should read this book that was based on some series that had been on Radio Four. That was the first book and since then I've read all of them many times; at one point when I was at college I could, and often did, quote whole passages at the drop of a hat! Luckily, a lot of my friends at that time were also avid fans.

I'm not quite so rabid on the subject now, but I re-read the books every so often and I have the radio series on CD and the book of the scripts (which is fascinating - Douglas Adams comments at the end of each episode are worth the price of admission on their own!)

What else am I in to I hear you ask, or at least I hope I do otherwise I'm imagining things again and I need to start taking the pills. Well, all sorts really; authors I read now are Stephen King, Clive Barker, Peter Straub, Richard Laymon, John Grisham, Robert Rankin, Terry Pratchett, Leslie Thomas, Leslie Charteris, Dick Francis and too many others to mention; I'm into music (most kinds, but generally not modern pop), films and I like cycling.

My favourite part of the country is Cornwall, especially Boscastle, and I usually try to get down there at least once a year; this year I managed to get there twice, making up for not having got there at all in 2001. Still haven't got around to going to the Eden Projecty, though. I have never travelled abroad, apart from a school one-day trip to France when I was 10. I sometimes feel that this is a bad thing, other times I like it. Can't really decide if I'm too insular for my own good. Probably.

I think that's about it for now (I've managed to expand the original entry a bit, the editors had to trim it but its still an improvement) but keep checking back for those journal entries.

Power to the People!


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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