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*** Announces Temporary Boycott of Florida Citrus and Travel

To: Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Secretary of State Katherine Harris,
and Republican leaders in the State Legislature. We are outraged by
your unceasing efforts to block a full and fair count of every
ballot. We know that a complete and accurate count would show that Al
Gore won - and so do you. We are especially outraged that the
Republican State Legislature plans to nullify all the votes by
imposing their own Republican electors. To express our outrage, we
will temporarily Boycott Florida - specifically vacation travel and
citrus fruit - until you count every vote. And because defending the
sacred democratic principle of counting every vote is a global issue,
we invite concerned citizens around the world to join in this
temporary boycott." > />

Petition to the Media: Stop the Bogus Polls!

The media has begun a completely transparent propaganda campaign to
manipulate public opinion against Al Gore. Well, we're mad as hell and
we're not gonna take it any more! Tell the media where to get off by
signing our petition below." > />


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Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Researcher U144600


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