Everything you never wanted to know about JD

Who is this, really?

JD isn't boring, really, he's just ... quiet. Reserved. Not as outgoingly wild and crazy as he was 20+ years ago when he first started dialing up into the wide-eyed wonderland of BBSs only to discover MUDs and usenet and all sorts of things you could really do on a VAX/VMS to really annoy sys admins. But not to worry, he occasionally says something remotely witty enough to crack a grin at; all this sarcasm is assuredly just a byproduct of being a veteran of such early days of the internet to appear apathetic or even aloof, but it's really all usenet's fault. The funniest thing he ever saw written about usenet was the flame warrior index - something to keep in mind around this place or any other internet-based forum. One might notice that he has been known to revert into the habit of referring to himself in the third person, which may or may not have anything to do with working for a government laboratory.

Where is he, really?

Oh, I'm around, here and there - probably lurking, reading and obsessing over every last character typed on the entire internet ... or just being sarcastic and jaded about the entire mess. Your pick! On H2G2, I find it entertaining to lurk. I sort of miss the old days when I first came here as it was being built, when the guide was new and exciting ... not that it isn't any more, it really is a fantastic community-based project well done with a cool interface (or set of them actually) and a fine premise ... no, I mean it! It's unique here, but mostly because of the type of people that come here. So perhaps what I really miss is my own youth as it relates to the lost youth of the internet, at least in my experiences. In particular, I miss being pleasantly surprised by the way h2g2 changed the way I thought of the forums, being the first web-based forum (i.e. not Usenet) that I liked to be at in this massive agglomeration of forums ("fora"?) that is the internet. Perhaps again this is how it is and always will be, due to the nature of people ourselves, how we relate to each other, speak to each other, and grow older with each other. Then again, it might just be gas.

UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker


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