Susan and the wolf

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Once upon a time there was a little girl. She always wore a purple hooded cloak, and that's why people called her Susan. The little girl went to the forest to visit the wolf, who lived in a small cabin right in the middle of the forest. He had a bad flu and had not shown up at work for several days, but because the doctor had broken his leg in a very stupid accident with a bucket and a donkey, Susan was sent to look if the wolf felt any better. Her mother also gave her a thermos flask of chicken soup and a bottle of cough syrup to bring the wolf.

The wolf was a very respected community member in and around the forest. He took care that now highwaymen and other shady figures were hanging around in the streets. Since the wolf had moved in a few years ago there had never been any troubles anymore. Everyone was very grateful, first of all the police man, who lived a very quiet life. Only occassionally he had to write some tickets for carts which were illegally parked in front of the church or the town hall on market days. Only the polie man's wife complained, because he had gained some weight.

As it was a nice day and Susan was not in any hurry, she decided to take the scenic route along the river instead of the wide road which led straight through the forest to the next village. The birds were singing and the bees were buzzing happily around the flowers which were growing on the forest floor. For a moment Susan considered picking some flowers to bring the wolf, but that would have been silly, wouldn't it? She went down to the river, sitting on a log with her feet in the water and watched some trout doing what trout do. Then Susan put on her shoes again and went on along the narrow path.

Suddenly, as Susan walked around a bend in the path, she saw something hanging on a tree. It was a large sheet of paper, stuck to the tree with two pins – one at the top and one at the bottom. It was showing the picture of some man in a suit which she had never seen before and in large friendly letters it said:

Be nice to each other! Or not! erhgh


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