Which Skin Is Better?

1 Conversation

Goo testing complete

I am used to using Brunel as a skin, and have ever since I joined, but got the idea to test which skins were preferable over others. The Goo skin was challenged, and so for one week I will see if Brunel really is better or not.

  • smiley - biggrin: Excellent! (+3)
  • smiley - smiley: Good (+2)
  • smiley - erm: Not Terribly Important (1)
  • smiley - sadface: Nitpicking (-1)
  • smiley - cross: An Irritant (-2)
  • smiley - yuk: Morally Wrong (-3)

Brunel vs. Classic Goo

General Comments

    Why Brunel Is Better
  1. smiley - sadfaceGoo's blue scheme isn't consistent with the rest of the web world's white. It makes some things difficult to read.
  2. smiley - crossGoo doesn't have nearly as many good sidebar links as Brunel, including the "Add Entry" link, which is quite difficult to find in Goo.
    Why Goo Is Better
  1. smiley - smileyGoo has a banner ad that goes straight to Peer Review. This is good because Peer Review is an important page, but that fish on a bicycle freaks most people out and is a bit of a nuisance compared to the simple sidebar link in Brunel.
  2. smiley - biggrinGoo has three sidebar links - Read, Talk, and Contribute - that point to really useful pages that aren't directly available in Bunel unless the User knows of them.
  3. smiley - smileyGoo has more options in the Preferences page for more customizable usage, whereas Brunel doesn't.


    Why Brunel Is Better
  1. smiley - crossGoo has no auto-smiley buttons.
  2. smiley - sadfaceGoo has no tree-bobbly-navigation thing except in Frame mode.
    Why Goo Is Better
  1. smiley - biggrinIn Frame mode a lot more information is shown about a conversation, such as who's posted and what other conversations are. Plus it shows all of the red navigation lights at once for faster browsing.
  2. smiley - ermIn Frame mode the "Unsubscribe" link is accessible without scrolling to the bottom of the page.


    Why Brunel Is Better
  1. smiley - yukGoo has no auto-tag buttons, making it diffcult but not impossible to automatically add tags to GuideML entries.
    Why Goo Is Better
  1. smiley - ermThe headers in Goo, since they stretch all the way across the screen, separate sections within headers a lot better.

Personal Spaces

    Why Brunel Is Better
  1. smiley - crossThere is no link to the Conversations pop-up window, and the on-page list is hard to find and to read.
Current Goo score1: 0SkinsBrunelAlabasterClassic GooPlain
1As compared to Brunel.

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