Tom Green Chronicles Mark II

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Back to the fun. Woo hoo.

*Segue, Link, Sera and Jade hide behind a large boulder from someone on the back of some sort of odd-looking black Rapidash. They dismount and sniffing noises can be heard.*

Black Rider: *sneezes*... smiley - bleep foreign climates...
*he jumps down from his Rapidash*

The four friends press themselves to the rock, hardly daring to breathe lest the creepy traveller hear them.*
Jade: *Her eyes roll back into her head, her eyes close, and her left hand creeps toward her right, where the Gauntlet of Naversbesquinil is now glowing bright red.*
Seraphine: *Notices and smacks Jade in the arm.*
Jade: *Comes out of trance, quickly taking her left hand away from the gauntlet, like a child who has touched a hot pan.*

*They make a break for it and head down a hill, which is grass-covered and full of nice little trees which provide a nice bit of cover.*
Segue: *looks at Jade* What was that?
Jade: *stares at her gauntlet*
*Time passes. The sky goes dark.*
Link: Wow. It sure got dark fast!
Seraphine: Didn't it though?
Segue: Yes.

* Sounds can be heard in the trees, which are presumably more generic bad guys. They all become very serious and begin both 1) sneaking toward the bottom of the hill as quietly as possible, and 2) looking for any sign of impending danger.*
Link: Anything...?
Jade: *looks around* Nothing.
Link: *throws himself to the ground, apparently tired* What is going on...?
Segue: That Black Rider was looking for something. Or someone... *raises an eyebrow* Jade...?
Link: Get down!

*The Black Riders can be heard leaving the area.*
Jade: *looks at Segue* I have to leave the Citadel. Sera and I must get to Phobos.
Segue: Right... Clefairy Ferry. Follow me.

*They run like smiley - bleep to Clefairy Ferry. A Black Rider appears silhouetted across their path. They jump over a bit of fence and run toward a river. The rider follows them. A hasty chase scene ensues, as a tired Jade is falling slightly behind the others.*
Link: This way! Follow me!

*Sera, Segue and Link jump onto the ferry*
Segue: Get the rope Sera! *grabs a pole and makes ready to push them off the bank*
Seraphine: Jade!
Link: Run Jadie!
Jade: Just go!
Segue: Hurry!
Seraphine: Jadie!
Link: Jump Jadie!
Seraphine: Go on, faster!
Segue: Jump!
Jade: *Jumps onto the ferry, just in time.* Quite demanding, you lot, aren't you?

*The Black Rider stops at the end of the bridge and watches as the ferry floats away.*

Link: Not so tough now, are ya...? *sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry*
Black Rider: *yells in fury* A pox on your first born, you ugly wart on a salamander’s tongue!
Link: *raises an eyebrow* Yeah, well you're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny!
Black Rider: Why you little...! *raises a dark-gauntleted fist and shakes it menacingly in Link's general direction*
Link: Auta miqula orqu!
Segue: *elbows Link in the general region of his stomach* Shut up.
Link:... Ow...
Jade: *looks at Segue* How far to the nearest crossing?
Segue: That'd be Wino Way. Twenty leagues... *digs his pole into the bottom of the river and begins to push them (very quickly) on*

Back at the Citadel

Jessie:... As I was saying three chapters ago, yo-
Firefly Actually it was five.
Jessie: Okay, five then. Anyway, as I was saying when I said that, you Firefly, will be the seed of Jade's undoing!
Firefly I thought you said something about the gauntlet and me being 'the perfect means of acquiring it'.
Jessie: Well, that's beside the point...
Firefly How is that beside the point? You said I was the perfect means of acq-
Jessie: *rolls her eyes skyward and brings the riding crop disturbingly close to Firefly's wrist.*
Firefly Eep...
Jessie: You are a problem, aren't you?
Firefly Might I venture to ask what exactly you mean by that?
Jessie: I mean... that you do not appear to be very easy to break.
Firefly Um. Right.
Jessie: smiley - bleep this. You're not even good at cowering! What Jade saw in you I will never know... *she places her riding crop on a nearby table and picks up her jacket* I'm going out for a ramune... *she opens the door and slams it closed behind her*
Firefly Um... Kay.
Meowth: *opens the door carefully and puts a finger to his... well, his mouth*
Firefly Oi... What the heck are you doing here, Meowth? I was wondering where you and James went off to...
Meowth: Hello? What does holding a finger to yer mouth usually mean?
Firefly Well, usually it means to shut up, but-
Meowth: *walks behind Firefly and cuts his bonds with his claws*
Firefly Thanks... *he stands up and stretches*
Meowth: Right, well, ya gotta get outta here.
Firefly Well I had kind of counted on that. That riding crop of Jessie's hurts. I could show you welts...
Meowth: Spare me and get yer coat or sumthin'.
Firefly Right then! *gets his jacket* Now what?
Meowth: *smacks himself in the forehead* You hafta go to Phobos.
Firefly Why?
Meowth: Because Jadie's goin' there! Idiot!
Firefly Now you're just being insulting...
Meowth: smiley - bleeped straight I am! Now go!
Firefly Okay, okay... *goes out the door and very stealthily heads out of the Citadel*

We're done! We're done, my precious! We finished them, we did. Found a way through the storyline. Orcs can't do it. Orcs don't know how! They just go 'round... For miles and (proverbial) miles!

Tom Green Chronicles Mark II

Jedi Jade

Oh, and there’s a Tom Green Informative Page Thingy now, so if you’re confused you can always go there and hope to find something that might pass as helpful

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