Melbourne Mini-Meet, 2003.01.12

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If this meeting had been held in Copenhagen, I hope that at least one thing had been the same and I know that several things had been very different.

To start with the latter, we would have dressed differently - as the temperature difference between Melbourne and Copenhagen this Saturday in January was at least 30° in Melbourne's favour. And wearing shorts and T-shirts just isn't funny in -8°C... And had it been in Copenhagen, it probably wouldn't have been name after the city of Melbourne either smiley - winkeye

What would be the same? I certainly hope that any visitors to a Danish meet would be received as nicely and warmly as King Cthulhu, Sir Evil Roy and Cafram received yours truly here down under smiley - smiley To sum up - don't worry, the full story follows smiley - winkeye - it was a relaxed, pleasant, quietly alcoholic, and just generally nice kind of gettogether smiley - biggrin

So, what happened?

We met at Young & Jacksons (See Y&J review here) - which a minimum of googling will let you know is at least Melbourne's but as to some also Australia's most famous pub. It certainly served our needs well smiley - smiley

I managed to get through the door seconds before His Majesty - not appearing crowned this particular afternoon. We sat down and started with ... cokes. It was warm and we needed liquid replenishments at this point. We did. Yes! smiley - winkeye

After a while or so, Sir Evil Roy joined us and about a cm into his pot of beer (note to non locals like me: that's a half pint), Cafram also showed up. After quite a bit more talks, including praising the merits of maths in bachelor of arts studies, and turning a few smiley - ale and smiley - stiffdrink into smiley - empty, the live band started setting their gear up which prompted us to move to a table more than 1 meter away from the drum kit smiley - winkeye

The new table looked enough like the old one for us to feel comfortable enough to sit there while drinking a little more and actually also having something akin to lunch. Nice smiley - smiley

The educational part

Then we discovered the Beer Ambassador session - upstairs we were treated to a free 5-beer beer tasting along with the story of the beers, about Y&J and most certainly about Chloe. Chloe? Well - you should go see her for yourself smiley - winkeye

Now that we had made the travel all the way upstairs, we had to somehow regain strength enough for the return trip - more smiley - ale and smiley - stiffdrink. And a small quiz as to who bo***d who in a stairwell in the Channel Nine building. The names didn't mean much to Danish ears, so they will not appear in this write-up...

Finally, we made it out Y&J and after a lot of qualified non-decision making ended up in a Chinese restaurant where we finished off the day with a nice meal and - largely - smiley - tea.

Thanks to King Chultu for the decision making power needed to get the four people to show up at the same place at roughly the same time - and to all three Melbournians for a lovely afternoon and evening.

PS: I think that Federation Square is quite OK smiley - smiley Certainly nicer looking inside-out than outside-in - the evening view towards an illuminated Flinders Street station is actually quite nice.

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