Brookville, Now and Then

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Brookville, Now and Then

Quad County Oral Surgery, Brookville, on a sunny day.

What's that, you ask? Oh, my oral surgeon's office. I had to have a tooth pulled. Wonderful people: efficient, kind, caring. Their premises fit the usual pattern on Main Street, Brookville, Pennsylvania – to wit, lovely and looking like the set of Murdoch Mysteries. Not surprising, as the buildings are all from the second half of the 19th Century. It's a historic district.

It was a Beautiful day, even if I was a bit out-of-sorts, what with the cotton clenched between my teeth to staunch the bleeding. Here's a view of downtown.

Main Street, Brookville, on a sunny day.

I always have to chuckle when I drive down Main Street, because this is from the back cover of my book Coming of Age in Brookville. FWR based it on an engraving showing the town in 1840.

It's come a long way and yet a short way, has Brookville. I'm glad the dentistry has advanced, though.

Main Street, Brookville, on a sunny day in 1844.
Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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