The h2g2 Post: 10.09.18

2 Conversations

A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 10th September 2018

Looking Around

Swimming pool

In the US, the pools have closed for the summer. The last official picnics have come and gone. We can settle down and wait for autumn, while continuing to complain about the 'unseasonable' heat. Apparently, nobody sent Nature a copy of the online calendar. h2g2 Researchers, wiser than the rest, take advantage of whatever Nature sends, and whatever foolishness their fellow humans get up to, to keep up the search for the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything. They've got their cameras ready and their typing fingers poised to share. And share they do. This week's issue takes you to some interesting places and shows you some things that may surprise, amuse, and challenge you.
Dahlias and Marigolds
Here are some highlights:
  • While writing this, I've also been listening to a talk at the National Book Festival given by Jon Meacham, author of The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels. In it, he said, 'The past is not....a bedtime story.' Very true. But I do have sort of a bedtime story about the past for you in this issue. It's a shaggy-dog story about a shaggy dog and a preacher, and I hope it will make you chuckle.
  • If the evolutionary past of our planet were a bedtime story, I'm afraid it would give rise to some strange dreams. Willem provides us with an ample dreamscape in this edition of 'Colours of Wildlife'. Those camels of yore may gallop through your night sky….
  • Our cameras have been everywhere: the elegant gardens of Vienna, a small-town park, the Sunday School picnic, street-smart Hong Kong, backyards and front yards and the side of the road. Take it all in, leave comments, start discussions.
  • Cats blocking doorway by Dmitri Gheorgheni
  • Extra videos this week: the Editor risks life and limb to bring you a pyrotechnic display, SashaQ demonstrates the stylophone, and alien X'Bert from Brightling tries his hand at Action News.
  • Plenty of fiction to read: 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' is in its third week, the Editor's ridiculously-named historical romp is in its second, and Paigetheoracle starts a chilling tale. Share and enjoy.
  • SashaQ has found a 'Q' writer to tell you about. You'll want to know.
  • Quizzes. Humour. Useless advice. Even more useless inventions. What would the week be without them?

Remember: the Create theme this month is about sowing and reaping. Consider sending something to the Post: postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com. Also remember to take your cameras with you as you go about your business. Post us perplexing pics to ponder.

And have a good week!

Create September 2018 by Freewayriding
September Create Challenge:
Sowing and Reaping

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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