The Role of Adhesive

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Glues and adhesives have played a vital role in the development and growth of humanity. They hold together the most unlikely things including computer parts, clothing, aircraft and so on. Before we look at the adhesive properties of food, we must define the components and forces involved.

    Adhesion - This is the binding force between two different materials.

    Cohesion - This is the binding force between two similar materials.

    Physical Bonding- This is where the materials being glued (the substrates)absorb the glue to varying extents into their surfaces. The glue itself is viscous and will set, thus locking the substrates together.

    Chemical Bonding - This is where the glue forms a chemical reaction and chemically combines the two substrates together.

    Electrostatic Bonding - Is where the "glue" is an electrostatic charge bonding the two surfaces. Each surface having opposite charges.

    Food - Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.

Adhesive or Glue is a multipurpose tool which is incredibly versatile and can get you out of a scrape in a moment's notice. If you need it urgently then you'll find that glue making materials are closer to hand than you think. Alternatively you could pop down the shops and buy a tube if you really wanted to. The question that is probably on your mind is why make glue out of food?

    Food is often a readily available substance.

    Food is relatively cheap compared to adhesive per se.

    The environmental impact of food is relatively small.

    Much food goes to waste and is not good enough to eat or has been left around too long.

With this in mind, we can now look at the various food groups and the merits of each in a bonding role.

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