Come an' Ask the Prof

1 Conversation

Ask Prof

Irving Berlin. Great fellow, what? Made all those really neat tunes and things. My favourite was always 'Puttin' in the Ritz'. One day I thought I'd go back in time to meet the guy, and I did. We actually became good friends, and I asked him one day if he could do me a favour. I told him I was writing this weekly column thing, you see, and that I wanted something a little special to feature in its tenth issue (though, of course, it ended up in issue 11, but that's beside the point). The point is, he wrote a modified version of my fave tune, I wrote the lyrics, my CompliGram sung them, and we came up with this great little ditty called 'Come 'an Ask the Prof', Ask Prof's theme tune.

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The Lyrics

If you're glum,

And you don't feel

More than just dum,

Try not to reel.

If you seem off,

Come an' Ask the Prof.

Question time.

It's like in his

Brain, cells will chime.

Some call him whizz.

He is a boff,

So come an' Ask the Prof.

Possibly the cleverest young teenager.

On his vast intelligence place a wager.

It would be wise to attend,

'Cos on his words you'll depend.

Weekly columns on the fly,

Letters written, questions tried.

Huge mind

Is quite capable,

To find

Answers to people.

Rambles on a bit,

Hopes all letters will fit.


And sciences,

Your sci-fi kicks,


That make you scoff.

Come an' Ask the Prof.

Possibly the cleverest young teenager,

On his vast intelligence place a wager.

So, if you're glum,

And you don't feel

More than just dum,

Try not to reel.

If you seem off,

Come an' Ask the Prof.

- Professor Christopher Tonks

Minister for Science & Technology for the Alabaster House

GalaGroup Overseer to San Beta

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(Page looks best in Alabaster.)

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