Tom Jones = God

2 Conversations

I hereby proclaim this little place the home of the campaign to announce publicly to all people the Tom Jones, Welsh, Crooner Extraordinaire, is actually God.

I'm sure theres got to be a process for making someone a God, but I'll be darned if I have a clue what it is.

Anyone else who wishes do join my crusade (well, I'm a bit to lazy to do any actual crusading, but that's beside the point, I'm sure), or even just make known their praise to the all high lord of all, Tom Jones, can do so by talking about this article using the clearly marked buttons below (come on, you must have got this figured out by now...even I learnt how to use this damn thing. Maybe one day this will be followed by a list of Users (once I've figured out how to use ALL the GuideML tags properly..I's not hard..but I'm very slow at times.


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