Farnborough District Motor Club

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FDMC are one of the most active clubs in the South of England, organising a full calendar of events throughout the year. Members can compete in most of these with their standard road car, or with one prepared for competition, or can participate as event organisers or marshals.

FDMC also frequently receive invitations to events run by other local motor clubs and, through their membership of nearby Area Associations, members can compete in the larger events which form the regional championships. There's more about the different branches of club motorsport, and how FDMC can help you enjoy them, on the Events and Driver Contacts pages on their website at [URL removed]

Their programme of Social Events includes club nights on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at their regular meeting place - The Old Courthouse, 80 Cove Road, Cove, Farnborough, Hants. Map Ref. 186/853547.

The purpose of FDMC.

Farnborough District Motor Club exists for the sole reason of helping its members compete, or otherwise be involved, in all levels of motorsport. We organise events, and hold social functions for those of us who just can't seem to be content trundling along the queens highways like sheep.

Motorsport is a fun, and sometimes dangerous, sport. To this end, the governing body, the RACMSA, stipulate that anyone wanting to compete in an event must be a member of a recognised motor club. FDMC is one such club.

The History of FDMC.

FDMC was formed in 1958, by a group of local enthusiasts, who sought to provide organised social and sporting events of a motoring nature, for the general public. Sounds like a good idea to me.

From these humble beginnings has sprung one of the better known, and well respected clubs in the south of England, famed far and wide for it's well run events, and friendly, successful members.

Affiliated to both the RACMSA and the ACSMC, and with a membership approaching 200, the club is run today by a committee of a dozen people, each of whom still beleives in the founding principles of the club. The committee meet once a month, and they are responsible for ensuring that the events and social evenings are organised in a professional manner.

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