Fantasy Krikkit 2008 - Bowlers

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Please select three bowlers from the following list. You also have a choice of picking a second all-rounder or an additional bowler. Remember that only three players from any one County may appear in your team.

Jonathan Clare Derbyshire
Kevin Dean Derbyshire
Nayan Doshi Derbyshire
Ian Hunter Derbyshire
Tom Lungley Derbyshire
Jake Needham Derbyshire
Wayne White Derbyshire
Mitchell Claydon Durham
Mark Davies Durham
Will Gidman Durham
Steve Harmison Durham
Neil Killeen Durham
Graham Onions Durham
Liam Plunkett Durham
Callum Thorp Durham
Paul Wiseman Durham
Jahid Ahmed Essex
Maurice Chambers Essex
David Masters Essex
Antonio Palladino Essex
Tim Phillips Essex
Alex Tudor Essex
Mervyn Westfield Essex
Christopher Wright Essex
Dean Cosker Glamorgan
Jason Gillespie Glamorgan
James Harris Glamorgan
David Harrison Glamorgan
Adam Shantry Glamorgan
Huw Waters Glamorgan
Vikram Banerjee Gloucestershire
Ian Fisher Gloucestershire
Carl Greenidge Gloucestershire
Anthony Ireland Gloucestershire
Steve Kirby Gloucestershire
Jon Lewis Gloucestershire
Will Rudge Gloucestershire
Tom Stayt Gloucestershire
David Balcombe Hampshire
Shane Bond Hampshire
David Griffiths Hampshire
Billy Taylor Hampshire
James Tomlinson Hampshire
Chris Tremlett Hampshire
Simon Cook Kent
Robert Joseph Kent
Amjad Khan Kent
Martin Saggers Kent
James Tredwell Kent
James Anderson Lancashire
Glen Chapple Lancashire
Gary Keedy Lancashire
Sajid Mahmood Lancashire
Oliver Newby Lancashire
Stephen Parry Lancashire
Tom Smith Lancashire
Sam Cliff Leicestershire
Ryan Cummins Leicestershire
Dillon du Preez Leicestershire
Harry Gurney Leicestershire
Claude Henderson Leicestershire
Garnett Kruger Leicestershire
Jermaine Lawson Leicestershire
Nadeem Malik Leicestershire
Jigar Naik Leicestershire
Daniel Rowe Leicestershire
Nicholas Walker Leicestershire
Friedel de Wet Middlesex
Daniel Evans Middlesex
Steven Finn Middlesex
Murali Kartik Middlesex
Dawid Malan Middlesex
Chris Peploe Middlesex
Alan Richardson Middlesex
Chris Silverwood Middlesex
Robert Williams Middlesex
Jason Brown Northamptonshire
Richard Browning Northamptonshire
Richard Logan Northamptonshire
Johann Louw Northamptonshire
David Lucas Northamptonshire
Mark Nelson Northamptonshire
David Wigley Northamptonshire
Stuart Broad Nottinghamshire
Gareth Clough Nottinghamshire
Robert Ferley Nottinghamshire
Mark Footit Nottinghamshire
Andrew Harris Nottinghamshire
Charles Shreck Nottinghamshire
Ryan Sidebottom Nottinghamshire
Omari Banks Somerset
Andrew Caddick Somerset
Steffan Jones Somerset
Michael Munday Somerset
Andrew Sutton Somerset
Mark Turner Somerset
Charl Willoughby Somerset
Robert Woodman Somerset
Mohammad Asif Surrey
Pedro Collins Surrey
Jade Dernbach Surrey
Murtaza Hussain Surrey
Simon King Surrey
Saqlain Mushtaq Surrey
James Ormond Surrey
Neil Saker Surrey
Chris Schofield Surrey
Rageb Aga Sussex
Mushtaq Ahmed Sussex
James Kirtley Sussex
Jason Lewry Sussex
Chris Liddle Sussex
Thomas Smith Sussex
James Anyon Warwickshire
Lee Daggett Warwickshire
Boyd Rankin Warwickshire
Naqqash Tahir Warwickshire
Gareth Andrew Worcestershire
Kabir Ali Worcestershire
Fidel Edwards Worcestershire
Richard Jones Worcestershire
Simon Jones Worcestershire
Steve Magoffin Worcestershire
Matt Mason Worcestershire
Chris Whelan Worcestershire
Tim Bresnan Yorkshire
Darren Gough Yorkshire
Matthew Hoggard Yorkshire
Deon Kruis Yorkshire
Mark Lawson Yorkshire
Morne Morkel Yorkshire
Rana Naved-ul-Hasan Yorkshire
Steven Patterson Yorkshire
Ajmal Shahzad Yorkshire

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