Paranoia (UG)

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Friday morning

I thought he might come by last night because I know Thursdays are his day off. He couldn't have got here before night though, because it's three/four hundred miles he'd have to drive. Last time he tried it I was in Mason City, Iowa - but he has ways of knowing where I am.

I sat up all night in the driver's seat so I could take off fast. It got cold around three, so I started the engine. The lights come on when you start the engine, I can't help that. The people in the site opposite came and banged on my window, but I just looked straight ahead and ignored them. They're friends of Alan's and I know they were there to help him get the tubing in through the floor of the car like they did last time. I rolled the car back and forth a few times in case Alan was under there.

Saturday morning

John's all out of food. The stuff in the little packages costs a lot more than if you buy it in the big sacks, but after I found out Alan had poisoned that last big sack I bought, I had to buy the little pouches to stop him. I should have another cheque in the bank, so I have to get to an ATM so I can get some more food for John. Once I do that I'm out of here. Alan hacks into the ATM and traces me that way I know, so I have to drive three/four hundred miles, and that uses up my special supplement in a hurry.

Saturday afternoon

I went to borrow coffee from the folks in the RV next to me. The woman gave me some coffee in a Ziploc, so I asked her if she had anything I could make the coffee in. She gave me a tin-can she'd rinsed out. I asked her if she had anything I could heat up the water with and she said, "No I don't. Try pine cones", and shut the door on me. The people across from me gave me a book of matches and I tried to light some pine cones, but they wouldn't, so I just put cold water on the coffee and stirred it with a twig. After it set awhile it tasted a bit like coffee.

Sunday morning

The people that gave me the coffee have gone. Their tag said they were staying three more days but they left this afternoon. There's a woman in a tent there now. She says Alan could use a syringe to poison the dog food pouches. I must remember to look at each one closely. I asked the tent woman if I could share her space so we both paid half, but she said there was only room for one car. I could see that wasn't true. She gave me a cup of coffee. I ate the last of my Honey Grahams so I have to find an ATM in the morning.

Monday morning

Once it got cold last night I just started driving. I drove until it was light, but I didn't see a Walmart or anywhere I could get John some food and an ATM. I saw Alan going the other way so I pulled in a driveway and waited to see if he came back after me. A man came out with a gun so I told him I had to wait there. I rolled up the window but he tried to smash it with the butt of his rifle. I backed up and ran over his feet, then I went forward and ran over them again, then I got out of there. I think he got in my trunk though. There's a banging noise back there and John is barking up a storm.

Monday evening

Well I found an ATM and I got gas and I bought canned dog food for John. A guy at the store said he thought it was safer than the pouches. John likes it but it gives him diarrhoea. Whatever was in the trunk has stopped banging. I thought it might have been Alan trying to pipe poison gas into the car, but when I opened the trunk there was noone there. He could have got out when I was in the store. He's mechanically inclined.

Tuesday - two a.m

I stopped at a truck stop tonight. I parked back in a corner so I could watch for Alan. John had to poop around midnight so I took him out to a vacant lot behind the truck stop. Someone there waved his dick at me and said he'd pay me fifty dollars so I said what the hell. He said I was too dirty, but he gave me twenty dollars. Then I couldn't find John, and I was walking round the lot calling and banging on truck doors to ask if they'd seen him. Then I saw he was standing by the car and when I got up to him I could see he was glad and I started to cry. If Alan killed him then I'd die, and Alan knows this.

Tuesday afternoon

I drove two hundred more miles last night before I stopped, then I pulled into a campground and I fell right asleep. I guess the host came around early to make sure I didn't drive away without paying and he saw Alan on his hands and knees looking under my car with the propane tank and a hose. He knew that wasn't right, so he snuck back to his RV and called the cops and they were close by. I woke up when John started barking, and the cops were just getting there and I thought they were after me so I started up the car and drove right at them. When I saw Alan I stopped, and he was staring right at me in my rear view mirror, but the police caught him and took him back where he belonged.

I ought to feel safe I suppose, but there's a PT Cruiser I keep seeing. Stops when I stop, turns when I turn. I'm making a run for Canada right now. They say it's safer there.

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