The h2g2 Poem

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Vampire Democracy

Sometimes you're better of dead,

If the Tories are in charge with Poll Tax on your head.

There's something of the night

About the Environment Secretary who bought it to light.

'Its a Fair universal tax?'

But he'll later bring in changes the rigidity to relax.

Something of the night

Need someone to put it right.

After years of disgust a new way

A charge on the community a fairer way to pay.

But who's that with the newest brief

Why it's Dracula's cousin but no light relief.

'This tax is fairer still'

But the people who pay still swallow the bitter pill.

Something of the night

Need someone to put it right.

Community charge still to pay

But now labour is in charge and is here to stay?

Well it's lasted longer than IDS

But Howard says it is far from the best.

Asked how he'd replace it though

He answer is 'Well I don't know'.

Something of the night

But is he able to put it right?

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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