fantastic future features

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This entry is more or less directed to the italics, towers, or the people who get payed to use this site. It could be used as idea for future features as there are many such pages on this site.

We have been roaming this wonderful site for more than a danda by now, falling from one fascination into the next. We have written some entries by now but we need to sort some things out prior to passing them to any review forum. (danda explained below)

We enjoy our visits to this void, always amazed, always curious for more. Nearly only friendly people out here. We read a lot.

However, we are searching for an excuse for our ACE while we feel insulted. They will not have the time or patience for such so we have to do it ourself.

We found our initial ACEing down below 1450 least recent last time ( <./>F124701?thread=277974</.> ).
That is not an excuse. At the moment of our reply it was on top on their user page and they where online posting in some chat thread.

We could use a system to sort our postings into several lists however.

It must be possible to select postings by owner of the original entry. We can see a database relation between these.

It should be possible to sort our postings in group lists as there are
--acings, would come in handy for ACEs to check for any reply
--comments on just an entry, you want to research
--comments on a number of entries, for research or community
--comments for PR, would be handy for scouts
--comments on edited entries
--ask ...
--projects eg research for certain entries

This should be possible while user pages also use a special entry to exist on. Users should be able to link postings to such special entries.

Also would come in handy to sort lists of postings by
--most recent posted by this user
--most recent replies by anyone

Their user page, we have our doubts about an ACE and GURU to demonstrate these "Reverse order PR" and "Recommendations" They do not have the Editors badge anywhere so what is the use. Now we hope you can read on, to let you know we are by now aware of the bogus message non scouts get there. Imagine an newbee waiting for all these PR listings to show by, and the next thing to be informed you tried to go somewhere you are not allowed. We do think these do not fit to be on the user page of a GURU or ACE.

Last we read that an entry of "our" ACE was Edited, and while it was the very best of what we had seen from them we decided to congratulate. ( <./>F112262?thread=289804</.> Congrats with Andy Kaufman ) There was reply ? ?? They can reply on postings, however after posting the initial question again to our ACE and GURU, all communication dropped again. By the time of (research for) this writing it dropped to below posting thread 600. Not that we expected any usaeble answer by then.

We are more and more convinced ACEs are there to violate the house rules as they do not read ( mostly ) where they are posting to. And if they read what it is about most of them just add or alter a single line in their default welcome message. ( You accused us by doing so of spamming. )

Last we tried to raise a question about the week notation on postings and entries. After creating an entry to be able to keep upto date with any progress we would make. We posted a link to ( A1081009 ) down under "the H2G2 team" in the hope to catch some usefull comments.
{using GMT just as a reference}
GMT 01:15 initial entry written
GMT 01:30 first posting ( <./>F17555?thread=286914</.> Comment please )
GMT 06:30 reply on first posting..
GMT 06:45 posting on ( <./>F47999?thread=286936</.> comment please )
GMT 08:30 contents of entry dumped in posting thread ( monday morning just after the office startup coffee )

We have had comments by some GURUs. We now do not know what to think of GURUs anymore. A tower named ashley was "kind" enough to copy our entry (despite the fact we announced to reedit it on the way) while it would have been uncommented for "almost 24hrs".

We do not get this, by writing in a non native tongue we have to read anything before we know what it is about. Or our use of this language is so bad nobody does comprehend what we are writing about, or _most_ GURUs just do not read anything.

Most GURUs started mowing about local times in postings, something we never suggested or indicated.

Also this being replaced and the comments we got about why it was replaced, suggests us even the Towers are lost in their postings. We must admit to Mina the quirky nature of a 42 day span ( danda ) before we see some useful dating of an entry again. But we do not like the lack of information it is giving. While the information is with 2 hour accuracy present on the servers. (at least give "3 weeks and 4 days" instead of "3 weeks" for seven days)

Something about the lists of things "Feature Ideas" or <./>Development-Features</.> can you update these please? As newbee we did not understand the first part, but then we read things as how they are implemented already. Now we understand most of it and recognise having lots of the same ideas as Dancer (again). And indeed lots of the user space features have been taken care of.

NB We do not concider it a "feature" while creating an entry the preview function does not show all linked information. Do not try to repair this, just write the message somewhere near the preview button. ( <./>F48000?thread=2899843</.> LINK tag in Preview )

We would be very happy if the search facilities are expanded in any way as suggested in "feature ideas".
Is there a way to list articles by number range or user range? We very much like the "most recent created entries" on the info page but do not manage to keep up with it.

Please do not add more "unsubscribe" buttons they are hard to miss already, the only reason we do not like Alabaster is there they are too close to "show posting".

The BBC search engines are without doubt the best in there kind. I have been using the main BBC search page for e few years by now. And instead as with many other seach "facilities" you are not overwhelmed by banners and adds using your bandwith. The BBC search engines come up with with a really useful hit on the first page. If there is a hit possible.

The search facility in the Guide is -how shall we put it?- a little bare perhaps. It does work with normal + and - for the text phrases. But we can not select specific users, posting threads, or Main Guide Edited branches.

The other way around is even more spectacular. (spectacular or just strange?) Take a Guide entry in one window, go to BBC search, select a literal phrase from the entry and give it a go. No real Guide hits on WWW, hardly anything on BBCnews and only strange hits on BBCi.
BBCi results: ftp .bbc .co .uk www1 .bbc .co .uk probably some kind of rerouted cached and lost in cyberspace entries.

The indexing tree as used in the Edited Guide is also not quite helpfull. Make sure anyone searching always sees one entry. This can be done by shifting the tree to the left side as most of the visible buttons are, when browsing the Edited Guide, redundant.

Note that we use the phrase Edited Guide, instead of Earth Guide. The Edited Guide is the Brittan Guide. Lots of entries just expect you to be custom with brittish peculiarities. Such as measuring in Thumbs and Stones. We do not really care about these magnitudes but a conversion calculation would create a more Earthly Guide.

CAC AGG, spaced out, underguide there will be more ??

We also would like to know if there are simple images available such as straight lines, diagonals triangles and curves on a transparant background. These would speed up drawing where we now have to use rectangels.

Also a linguistic request. Is it allowed to use pictography, while even the towers have their troubles reading words. Imagine the international public just skimming the pictures. We are aware pictorial language is not english though even chinese or spanish readers could be enabled to get the massage. We will have to wait for any of these responses to know of any interpretation has been made, if the reply can be interpreted that is.

Traveller in Time
Nephew Who
<<Cheif Philosopher!>>
<tit> pronounced <TiT>
<fish> named Dict Code Hacking
Susan Winkle aka Traveller in Time
Susan Winkle aka Nephew Who
Susan Winkle aka <<Cheif Philosopher!>>
Susan Winkle aka <tit>
Susan Winkle aka <fish>
Sailor in Time

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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