The Surly Mermaid

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The Surly Mermaid

Class:Vree Transport

Length/width:120 meters

Crew:1 human, several robots

Sub-Light Speed:99 psl

Power:Shadow Hyperspace tap

Sub-light Engines:Vree AG engines coupled with Imperial repulsors and ion engines

Faster Than Light Engines:Shadow Hyperspace Phase Engine

Armor:Shadow energy absorbing armor/Vorlon energy reflecting armor/Mon Calimari ultradense durasteel alloy

Shields:Mon Calimari, with redundancies

Armament:8 gattling ion cannons, 8 gattling PPGs, 8 Asgard death rays, 8 tractor repulsors, Vree transporters, Asgard Transporters, 1 Vree Anti-matter discharge cannon bank

A brief history of The Surly Mermaid

The Surly Mermaid started off as just another of millians of Vree transports, bearing only a simple number as its name. That all changed when a young theif and pirate named Francis Drake III transported onto it as his own pirate vessel fell under the guns of a Vree convoy escort.

With a few flicks of Drake's vibro-cutlass, the crew was dead and the ship his. Drake faked an engine failure and fell behind in the convoy. When the escort ship dropped back to help they lowered their defensive screens to transport an engineering crew aboard, but before they could, Drake transported their transporter into their engine core, setting off an anti-matter explosion that crippled the ship. With the escort out of the way, Drake polished off the defensles convoy and headed out to a local Tenloss syndicate outpost and traded the cargo and crews for modifications to his shiny new vessel.

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