forty2.noughties present the towel awards

7 Conversations

fortysmiley - smiley -
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smiley - smiley - smiley -
present the towel awards
Roosta's Towel - by Amy The AntRoosta's Towel - by Amy The AntRoosta's Towel - by Amy The Antforty2.noughtiesRoosta's Towel - by Amy The AntRoosta's Towel - by Amy The AntRoosta's Towel - by Amy The Ant
towel awards

forty2.noughties.4's towel awards will be anounced in 42nd week of 2004 until then some things need to be organised.

the towel awards will be your awards. forty2.nougties page will keep you informed.

the towel awards
the towel award: next door
the researcher you would like to have as neighbour?

the towel award: article
5 different kind of award for now.

any sugestion?

the towel award: your space
who has funniest and best personal space?

your sugestion
your sugestion for towel award.

please do not nominate yet.

see cyberian road ahead for time table.

all discription can be changed.

they are sugestions

cyberian road ahead
nominations and anouncing the nominees for the award. procedure.

closing date to be anounced.

voting for awards procedure and presenting them to winners.
closing date to be anounced.

looking for volunteers

I am looking for researchers who can help me with selecting other awards and procedures. I want keep it fun, but take it very seriously.

I am also looking for one of the artistics volunteers to design a blob for the nominees and the winner. I hope get permission of the pisa people.

you can volunteer by posting a message in forty2.noughtied forum. do not all volunteers at same time.

Douglas Adams

The Myth Of 42 [(5-3+0+5) * (6+0) = 42]

wear your forty2 smiley - coat with pride!

smiley -  
smiley -

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