Bolle's Berliner Buletten Bude (Inh. AXR)
Created | Updated Aug 22, 2002

Trillians Child wrote a little description for our english speaking guests and I just changed some minor details:
Hi! Welcome to the Berlin Hamburger bar. Over the last months this has developed into a gourmet restaurant, exquisitely decorated.
Everybody helps out. The food: Spanish, Polish and German influence. The guests cook and bring their own creations. The flavour of the month is
PURPLE, centring round a bottomless vat of the most delicious purple pasta sauce, based on aubergines. Purple drinks and
purple music enhance the atmosphere while you enjoy this unique dish.
The drinks: provided by the magic Espresso machine McAOT-DIM, just make an undefinite handmove and get exactly what you want. The machine is totally undaunted by exotic requests. Guests also bring bottles from their holidays or far flung places of abode.
The decor: Originally a bare room with a wooden counter, wooden tables and chairs and bare boards, the varied but
unvaryingly good taste of the guests has transformed this shack into a top quality restaurant, without losing any of its homely
charm. All have pitched in with paint and tools and in genuine teamwork have created the dominant feature of a waterway right
through the middle, deep enough to swim in, with a choice of salt and fresh waters, and not forgetting massage jets and
underwater lighting. The plumbing (although coming from Spain) is done to a high standard of German workmanship. Swimming
is with or without swimming attire as you choose and there are open communal showers (becoming very popular) and a couple
of private cabins. Here, too, the predominant colour is purple, set off with a
sunshine yellow, which is picked up in the rich flora, already thriving at the edge of the waterscape.
For the braver visitor, and those with wilder imaginations, the fresh water section is peppered with piranas and the salt water
is shelter for some small sharks. The guests: The clientele has soon spread from Berlin to include
German speakers from Scandinavia to Eastern European countries. It is a fast-growing community and welcomes all from
every corner of the earth willing to try out their German. The language: German, but tolerant of everything else, and all
guests seem to have a yearning to learn more and more exotic languages.
The landlord: AXR started the whole thing off, and looks in occasionally, having more difficulty recognising his own creation
each time he does!