Oh no! Not another religion!

Yes friends, I'm afraid that's what we have here. Luckily, before you simply get disgusted and go somewhere else, realize that my religion is very user friendly. There are a few key players (mostly your average type), a few rules to live by (nothing strenuous), and that's about it.

Key Players:
1. God (me) - Silly
2. Devilish Fiend (Lupa Mirabilis) - Wicked
3. Son of God (Fantum) - Silly
4. Son of Devilish Fiend (Ross) - Wicked
5. Holy Spirit (Bruyer) - Silly
6. Wicked Spirit - position open! (again)
7. Silly Prophet (Loki)
8. Wicked Prophet (Ubiquitous)
9. Spreader of the Word and Such (Irving Washington) - Neutral (sort of)

If any of you would like to apply for the open position, just post it in the forum for this page. All applicants to open positions please submit a resume of all wicked deeds. Not accepting any zealots, but thanks for the thought. Good luck to all interested!

Rules to Live By: The Isms - created by God
1. People are weird
2. Friends are stranger
3. Randomness is best
4. Be a log
5. Be non-consistently consistent
6. Body parts cause a dilemna
7. Chris is the Answer! (Chris = 42)
8. Be a maze of seeming contradictions
9. When all else fails, smack yourself on the head!

A God you say?
I know that most of you are thinking, "gosh, this person must have a huge ego, thinking they're God and whatnot." No, not really. A few years ago some friends and I decided we were fed up with the whole organized religion thing and so we created our own. Sounds contradictory, I know, but for some reason it works. Its not that whole worlds were moved, we just thought it would be fun.

Don't worry, my existence really doesn't negate the existence of any god or goddess that you may subscribe to. So many of them are just so stuffy though, I thought it would be fun to shake things up a little.

The Inquisition!
My minions and I have decided to hold our very own Inquisition! And why not? Gives us a great excuse for running around and bopping people on the head with random objects we find at hand.

All of you heretics and heathens out there beware! You had better straighten up and get silly!

When you are a true believer and practitioner of silliness, then you had better beware of Lupa's Inquisition, the prosecution and persecution of all silliness!

Beware of toads raining from the sky and turning into Princes! Beware of those in red robes! (and the ones in black!) Beware!


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