Ambrose "Tosser" Berkins salutes the world

Ambrose Berkins is a bit of a lad. His friends call him Tosser for a reason that has totally escaped him. His grasp of the english tongue leaves something to be desired so he has not made the subtle, yet hugely important, connection between Tosser, W****r and the act of solitary sex. His friends find it jolly funny though. He finds the name snazzy enough and he has adopted it with vigour. Poor Tosser has yet to understand why people more often than not erupt in laughter when he cheerfully introduces himself or offers them "a hand".

Tosser is not wholly devoid of graces though. He is an avid enthusiast of military history, science fiction, all things internettish and of course solitary sex (sex with a partner eludes him somewhat - hence the nickname). He hates no one but he absolutely loathes a certain demographic group of wich he will write a guide entry soon - he will leave you in suspense until then.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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