Tao, Buddhism, bunk or common sense. You decide.

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<B><FONT FACE="Arial Black" SIZE=6 COLOR="#ffff10"><P ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="http://www.andyart.com/free/animations/myanim/yen6.gif" >http://www.andyart.com/free/animations/myanim/yen6.gif"> </img><IMG SRC="http://www.orlando-seabrook.freeserve.co.uk/stublogo.jpg" >http://www.orlando-seabrook.freeserve.co.uk/stublogo.jpg" WIDTH=390 HEIGHT=125> <IMG SRC="http://www.andyart.com/free/animations/myanim/yen6.gif" >http://www.andyart.com/free/animations/myanim/yen6.gif"></img></P>
</B></FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="http://www.orlando-seabrook.freeserve.co.uk/welcome.gif" >http://www.orlando-seabrook.freeserve.co.uk/welcome.gif" WIDTH=162 HEIGHT=35></P>
<FONT FACE="Arial"><P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Hello, and welcome to this, my home page. </P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">A lot of you may be thinking, "what has an uncarved block got to do with anything&#8230;?". Absolutely nothing, and that&#8217;s the beauty of it all. The idea of the uncarved block comes from Taoism (where it is described as wood within the forests). Typical "Kung Fu" stuff, but it means a way of living that is free of complications. As we go through our lives, we come across little problems and quite a lot of us blow them out of all proportion. Not my style, I'm afraid. </P>
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="http://members.aol.com/rwiggenhor/yt/yellowstone_002.jpg" >http://members.aol.com/rwiggenhor/yt/yellowstone_002.jpg" WIDTH=601 HEIGHT=174></P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Being an uncarved block means that you face up to adversity with a smile. Don&#8217;t ignore the problem because other people will add to it. Just face it with the idea that you&#8217;ve had worse&#8230; or, if you haven&#8217;t, other people certainly have. Every cloud has a silver lining, and tomorrow is another day.</P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">This doesn&#8217;t mean I'm a complete pacifist but it does mean I avoid a lot of trouble in life, simply because I have no marks on me. </P>
<P ALIGN="JUSTIFY">Just like an uncarved block.</P>
<P ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="http://www.tao.org/images/dragonred2.gif" >http://www.tao.org/images/dragonred2.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=153><IMG SRC="http://www.tao.org/images/dragongreen2.gif" >http://www.tao.org/images/dragongreen2.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=153><IMG SRC="http://www.tao.org/images/dragonblue2.gif" >http://www.tao.org/images/dragonblue2.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=153></P>
</FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="mailto:[email protected]"><IMG SRC="http://www.ozarksoft.com/ani/earthnew.gif" >http://www.ozarksoft.com/ani/earthnew.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100></A><FONT FACE="Arial" COLOR="#ffff00">Click on the planet to e-mail me, people&#8230;</P></FONT>
<MARQUEE><IMG SRC="http://www.orlando-seabrook.freeserve.co.uk/happyface.gif" >http://www.orlando-seabrook.freeserve.co.uk/happyface.gif"/></img> ...welcome to the third millennium... celebrating the birth of a man with some pretty decent ideas, I will concur... well, as much as a rotating smiley face CAN concur with anything... </MARQUEE> </BODY>


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Shawn the uncarved block.

Researcher U47034

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