Welcome, want to know who I am?

In any case, I have no idea what Iam doing in here...just wanted to warn you.
My name is Outi and I live here in Finland (nice place - sometimes) and I´m 17 at the moment. Soon, however, I´ll be 18 and I hope to get a driver´s lisence :-) Right now, its better, if you don´t run into me on the road.
My friend just gave me this address...interesting, in my opinion. Yes, I have read the book - the whole trilogy. My other friend just took it in the library, gave it to me and told me to read it. Despite the fact that it seems I listen to my friends, I do have a mind of my own.
I go to the Senior high school (at least I think it´s the right term in English) in Kirkkonummi, which is a tiny town in Finland quite near to the capital of Finland, Helsinki. My life is nothing but school, most of the time, but not always, thank God.
during my rair freetime I Spend an hour in a week with very lovely children, because I lead a club with a friend on mine :-) Children can be angels but, however, mostly they are monsters.
Other than that, I`m in an artschool. Unfortunately, I don´t focus enough most of the time...after real school I´m too tired. Art is nice, though, and at school we´ll have a new teacher - young male person I hear, we´ll see what´s he like >
That´s all for today, I should look into these pages...


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