BBBB (chapter2) Time is an Illusion.......
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Not in that plane of time, anyway.
Zaphara Beeblebrox sat in the Mid Point Time Cafe (a little joint for time travellers that is, effectively, not in this or any other Universe) wondering what to do next. Now, before time began, the words burned at the back of her brain more than ever. Then she realised.
It was from THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BIG BANG, a different time span altogether!
She sat there for a few minutes trying to get her brain back in gear. Zarquon, she felt so STUPID! She could still feel the memories, but couldn't pick up the words. This was the closest she'd got so far.
"Reuthmun, R-Thor-Hole, Monkeyman...." she whispered.
Then the peace and quiet were shattered.
Her schoolfriends came into the room.