Created | Updated Apr 21, 2002
Kebabs are a unique food type - every culture in the world seems to have their own version of the Kebab, but all of them share the same bizarre properties...
- Kebabs consist of burnt dead animal, served on raw green sliced vegetables in a sliced bread-product.
- Kebabs are always served with a spicy sauce, and it is part of the Kebab eating machismo to choose the most dangerous, inflamable sauce available - preferably one that will burn its way out of your stomach and thru your internal organs in a matter of minutes.
- You never eat Kebabs during the day, only at night, except when left-overs are eaten at breakfast.
- The only time you ever REALLY want nothing else to satisfy your hunger but a tasty, spicy Kebab is when your brain is so pickled in alcohol (or equivalent social-drug) that any female regardless of age, condition and presentation is delightful, appealing and desirable. (See also Alchohol, Sex and The Morning After)
- There is nothing more disheartening than waking up the morning after a heavy night's drinking with a hangover the size of the Starship Titanic and opening your eyes to find a cold, greasy, half-eaten Kebab perched on your chest, its juices soaking into your shirt/chest-hair/skin/sheets/etc.
The best (the term being used loosely, given the state I was in when eating the things) Kebabs I've tasted to date were sold in Stavros' Take-Away in Bath, England. Sadly, this superior establishment has now changed hands, changed names, and no longer provides its chilli sauce in reinforced containers labelled with the skull and cross-bones. *SIGH*