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This is a rather expensive hobby enjoyed, usually, by males who actually cannot afford it. What starts as a simple "paint and bolt-on"
project will invariably expand to a total "tear-down", "ground up" restoration with little, if any, encouragement.

My purpose here is not to judge the merits of this past time, nor to question the true intent of those who participate in it. I merely wish to give some small insight into the world of older boys and their bigger toys.


While I cannot speak for all who have taken up this hobby, It is my belief that most gained their interest in early childhood. It began as an infatuation with all things shiny and fast. As they grew older, they discovered plastic scale models. This only reinforced their desire to have a go at the real thing.

Sometime in their teenage years, they purchased their first car. Many long hours were spent repairing and modifying it to suit their desires. Years passed, and they discovered they had learned quite a bit about a rather long list of various makes and models. They soon grew weary of working on them, though, as their mechanical skills became mearly a method to keep wheels under themselves, and no longer
for the pleasure. As soon as they were able to afford it, they began to hire these things done. Eventually they reached an age and level of income at which they did not have to work on any aspect of an automobile.

Old habits die hard, though. They longed for the feel of cold steel in their hands and hot grease in their hair. Any faint hint of the aroma of primer and lacquer thinner made their heart race. All it took was the slightest hint of encouragement, and they were off and running! A short time later and they had several projects underway
simultaneously, and a "tinkerers" garage that would be the envy of most professionals. Let us not forget the rather bewildered neighbours who could only scratch their heads in wonder as the hobbiest dragged in the "backyard junkers" only to strip them for their parts and have their empty hulls hauled off to the nearest scrap yard.

While there are many variations on this hobby, here I will concentrate on the two considered to be in opposition; "Concourse Correct Restoration" and "Hot Rods".


This is considered, by some, an art form. The objective is to bring a vehicle back to it's original showroom condition. While there are various levels within this realm, the most impressive (and most expensive) is the "frame-off, ground-up, matching numbers" restoration. The pre-requisite for this procedure is to start with an automobile in fairly good condition, which still has it's original drivetrain. In this, one completely disassembles the car, boxes up the parts and proceeds to clean, repair or replace all parts (yes,
including the nuts and bolts). Some even go so far as to replicate any factory defects specific to the auto they are rest

While, once completed, these machines are a wonderful sight to behold, their days on the road are over. They become what are known to hobbyists as "Trailer Queens". True museum pieces which are hauled from show to show, gathering trophies and trade magazine write-ups where ever they may be unloaded.


This is the other end of the spectrum. While it need not be as expensive as a restoration project, it can be. In this arena, speed and handling are the goals. Modification not only is not frowned on, it is highly encouraged. The auto hobbiest is not attempting to replicate the manufacturers work, he is doing his level best to improve on it.

The methods used range from modest upgrades to existing systems to
starting from a bare body, and fabricating more modern systems one would like to see in it. These modified autos can get rather exotic, sometimes to the point that the original car is no longer recognisable.

Neither of these extremes need be done to enjoy the beauty and fascination of "Vintage Automobiles". The only things one truly needs are good mechanical skills, a good automotive repair guide, and a healthy dose of desire.



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