Mexico's drinking water

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This is an entry about the condition of the drinking water in Mexico, the consequences of drinking it, and remedey and prevention tips.

What is drinking water?

The term "drinking water" is used very loosely. It should be used to describe large collections of molecules of Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms bonded in a ratio of two to one (respectively) that are fit for the consumption of organisms. It is not used this way. Rather, it is used to describe large collections of Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms bonded in a ratio of two to one (respectively) that are being used for consumption by organisms. This is a huge difference. An example of how this term is commonly used (though wrongly), is the description of the water in Mexico as "drinkable".

Water condition in Mexico

The "drinking water" in Mexico is notorious worldwide for not being entirely "drinkable" to the foriegn traveller. Yet many rural inhabitants of Mexico do drink it. This is mainly because they have built up a tolerance to it from drinking it all of their lives. A commonly asked question by people inquiring about Mexico's "drinking water" is "Why is Mexico's 'drinking water' claimed undrinkable?". The reason for the status of "undrinkable" put on Mexico's water is because if it is consumed by any terrestrial multi-celled animal of Earth (not from Mexico), it will become violently sick for 24-48 hours. And the reason for that is the water is the home and habitat of many various single-celled organisms and parasites. These inhabitants of the water do not mind being swallowed at all. Especially the parasites. They expect it and love being swallowed. The parasites will use the consumer as a host. As a reward to the host for being so kind as to provide a home it makes it violently ill for what would seem like an eternity.

Consequences of consuming Mexico's inhabited water

The consumption of the infested water of Mexico, as mentioned earlier, will result in discomfort of the consumer. A common question asked by people on a drunken dare wanting to know what the water will do to them is "What exactly will happen if I drink this water?". Well many things can, and usually do, happen. If Mexico's water is consumed by anything (foreign to Mexico), that anything will experience the following:

  • Diarreah
  • Stomache cramping
  • Nausea
  • Light-headedness
  • Fever
  • Other equally discomforting things, depending on the consumer and their allergies

Remedies and prevention

If a person finds that they are sick after consuming any of water from Mexico they should immediately contact a Poison Control Centre, and follow any instructions given. Usually the discomfort will quickly take it's course and be gone within 48 hours. Here are some prevention tips:

  • Do not drink Mexico's water unless it is a life or death situation.
  • If you must drink the water, boil it if possible for at least three minutes per litre.
  • If thirsty drink alcohol or anything else drinkable in sight
  • Bring bottled water.....lots
  • If thirsty and you must have water buy it in a sealed bottle
  • Remember: Ice in Mexico is made from their infested waters, it is just as bad to drink bottled water with tap water ice as it is to drink the infested tap water itself
  • A warning to contact wearers: they should use, again, bottled water to clean their lenses if neccesary
  • When staying in Mexico for longer amounts of time a person will come to a point where they will want to brush their teeth and wash thier face: I recommend that bottled water is used for both of these activities because they involve the possible consumption of water, resulting in sickness

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